Love in the name of Christ |
LinC Church Services Network (Bayside) Inc.
What we do
Wherever there is no appropriate agency help available, LinC volunteers may be able to assist with the following:
̃ Transport to and from medical and dental appointments
̃ Transport to and from hospitals
̃ Transport to and from shopping centres and chemists
̃ In-home visitation and friendship
̃ Light home maintenance.
How we do it
Needs are assessed by our Referral Centre. Trained volunteers from local churches are then called on to assist. (If an agency exists which is able to meet the need, it is referred to that agency.) Confidentiality is assured.
Updated 5 Jan 2023 Supported by Joan Pease, State MP for Lytton and Peter Cumming, Ward Councillor Wynnum-Manly
ABN: 12 786 537 975 Incorp Assoc No: IA19273